Wander NA
Node, Express, MongoDB, React, Typescript, Tailwind - Online
tour booking application that allows the user to:
- Search for tours hosted across North America
Create an account with a backend that will encrypt password
data and store in database
- Book any tours shown on the website through Stripe
- Create, edit and delete comments for each tour
Typescript, React, Tailwind, Vite - Informational website for
a fictional fitness compnay. Key features:
Statically typed React components using the core features of
Seamless content animations using the Framer Motion library
- Live user form submission with user input validation
Dev Realm
Python, Django, HTML, Tailwind, PostgreSQL - Developer
learning community with the following features:
Create an account and sign in to access protected urls
Register for hackathons and webinars hosted by Dev Realm
Submit projects for hackathons and view the profiles of
other participants
Javascript, HTML, Sass - Online recipe application that allows
the user to:
Browse through recipes accessed through the Forkify API
- Bookmark favorite recipes for later use
Add recipes to the site that will persist through